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Sven Kucinic turns to Robe for Milica Pavlovic show in Zagreb

Sven Kucinic turns to Robe for Milica Pavlovic show in Zagreb
Sven Kucinic turns to Robe for Milica Pavlovic show in Zagreb

Over 200 Robe moving lights graced the stage in a lighting scheme designed by Sven Kucinic of LumiLas LLC for a show by Serbian singer Milica Pavlovic at the Zagreb Arena, Croatia. Kucinic was asked to light the concert after Pavlovic’s show producers saw his lightshow for Croatian artist Gibonni - the previous year at Belgrade Arena - and decided they wanted to work with him.


Kucinic, who combines working as a commercial pilot with designing creative lightshows, was also contacted by the local show producers Ivan Juric-Kacunic, Katijan Knok and Goran Hucaluk, with whom he’s worked on other projects. His starting point for the production lighting design was a set concept by Igor Barberic and Nebojsa Milojevic, which included three interconnected runways coming out from the front of the stage allowing Pavlovic to get close to her fans. The screen design was an adapted version of the set developed for a Milica Pavlovic gig staged at Belgrade Arena a couple of months before this one, but adapted versions of these were the only elements retained for Zagreb.


A troupe of dancers choreographed by Helena Janjusevic boosted the visual dynamics of the performance, for which there was a good production budget. Kucinic took this opportunity to specify his moving light brand of choice, Robe. The lighting equipment and crew were delivered by Mojo Rental South-East Europe (ex-Promo Logistika), and this show was the first time that Kucinic had a chance to use Robe’s Painte moving light and Tetra2 and TextraX linear LED batten products.


Initially, the 24 Paintes were not on the spec as Kucinic thought he would need something larger to cut through the LED video screens from the 20-metre trim height. However, after in-situ testing, he decided to use the Paintes. They were hung on front trusses and used for key lighting and positioned along the catwalks.


Twenty-two Robe Fortes were hung on the mid truss in a cluster formation and made effects fixtures for special moments in the set. Forte has been a go-to luminaire for Kucinic whenever possible for the last couple of years. Once these Paintes and Fortes were in their designated positions, Kucinic started placing the various other lights and positions around them.


Thirty-six MegaPointes were dotted around the upstage trusses, together with 24 Pointes. Twenty-four Spiiders were dotted around the overhead trusses with some on the floor and used for washing the stage, as well as for additional and secondary key lighting. “They worked harmoniously with the Paintes in this context”, says Kucinic noting that the Spiider’s zoom also allowed them to cut through the MegaPointe beams.


Twenty-six Tetra2s and eight TetraXs were also added to the design. The Tetra2s were rigged in an arc around the main video screen and used sparingly, only around ten times throughout the whole set. This allowed the creation of moving seamless walls of light for accenting, a style of effect that is new and still rare for shows in the Balkans. The TetraXs were rigged on small trussing sections flown just below the PA arrays. They were also utilised for some of the darker and moodier songs where eight fixtures offered the desired punch. Kucinic admits that he would have liked more TetraXs, but they were simply not available for the dates due to demand for other events.


Thirty CycFX8 fixtures, Tetra’s predecessors, were used as the main floor up lighters and along the catwalks, a mission-critical task especially for illuminating the dancers. Aesthetically, it was essentially a big glossy-floor pop show. Director Igor Barberic is also a choreographer with plenty of theatrical work under his belt, so a lot of dynamics and plenty of drama was in play throughout the set. Having the CycFX8s on the stage in these specific positions helped light the movement and flow of the show, says Kucinic.


Also on the rig were 24 LEDBeam 150s and ten LEDBeam 350s which worked as back of shot fillers for the multicamera shoot. The 350s placed upstage sliced through the 150 square metres of LED screen.


(Photos: Benny Gashi)




Sven Kucinic turns to Robe for Milica Pavlovic show in ZagrebSven Kucinic turns to Robe for Milica Pavlovic show in Zagreb

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