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Clay Paky and Ambersphere in control with The Wombats at Alexandra Palace

Clay Paky and Ambersphere in control with The Wombats at Alexandra Palace
Clay Paky and Ambersphere in control with The Wombats at Alexandra Palace

Alexandra Palace in North London was the venue for the Wombats’ largest production during their current tour, which has encompassed the UK, Europe and Australia since the beginning of 2015. Dan Hill is the LD at the helm, and his rig was heavy with fixtures from the Ambersphere Solutions family with Clay Paky and with a GrandMA2 Light FoH.


“The Clay Paky Sharpy remains the ‘go to’ beam light for me,” Hill says.  “There were over thirty on this rig. All my fixture selections are integral to my final design and on the few occasions when we had to go without certain lights I had to seriously revaluate how the show was run to compensate for the negative differences.”


(Photos: Dan Hill)



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